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Join Us in Taking the Pledge Against Eye Strain

Protect your eyes against vision strain.

Protect your eyes against vision strain… and take the pledge!

How long have you been looking at digital screens today? It’s probably time for a break.

Most likely, you’re reading this on a digital device of some kind. In fact, 90% of adults spend at least two hours per day staring at digital screens–and nearly 30% of adults spend nine or more hours per day using digital devices. It’s difficult to avoid looking at tablets, cell-phones and computer screens, but if we don’t give our eyes a break, we could begin to suffer from digital eye strain.

Take A 20-20-20 Break

Taking a break from digital screens can help relieve the symptoms of digital eye strain. It’s recommended to take a 20-second break every 20 minutes and look at something 20 feet away. Easy, huh? So…

Take The Pledge!

This month, we’re asking our patients to take the pledge to “Stop The Strain!” Throughout the month, you can come into our office and pledge to take a break from digital screens at least every 20 minutes. By taking the challenge, you promise to split-up your screen time and give your eyes a rest throughout the day. Believe us, your eyes will thank you!

Our Eyes Need Rest For Lifelong Vision Health

Everyone’s eyes are unique, but many are required to spend far too much time looking at digital screens. At Complete Family Eye Care, we are committed to providing our patients with solutions that meet their individual vision and overall health needs. In addition to encouraging our patients to take the pledge against eye strain, we offer eye glass lenses that reduce blue light, helping reduce eye strain when you are on digital devices. Give us a call or stop by to learn more.

We care about your long-term eye health and we’re honored when you trust us to take care of your vision.

So remember, give your eyes a break. And when you think “eyes,” think Complete Family Eye Care!